Environmental protection and animal rights
Chapter: Environmental protection and animal rights
Changes at "Support for animals"
- +{"de"=>"Support for animals", "machine_translations"=>{"en"=>"Support for animals", "it"=>"Supporto per gli animali", "pl"=>"Wsparcie dla zwierząt", "sl"=>"Podpora živalim"}}
- +["It's important to protect the animals. \nCows should have more Spacey die them especalliy in Summer. In Austria we have alpine pastures, where the cows have very much Space. Additionally milk should only be gotten, when the cows is naturally pregnant. Chickens should live in free range and the male chicks should not be killed. Of course everything has to happen naturally. I think that way you can protect the farm animals and give them a nice life without harming the economy.", ["It's important to protect the animals. \nCows should have more Spacey die them especalliy in Summer. In Austria, we have alpine pastures, where the cows have very much space. Additionally milk should only be gotten when the cows are naturally pregnant. Chickens should live in Free Range and the Male Chicks should not be killed. Of course everything has to happen naturally. I think that way you can protect the farm animals and give them a nice life without harming the economy.", "È importante proteggere gli animali. \nLe mucche dovrebbero avere più Spacey muore, soprattutto d'estate. In Austria abbiamo pascoli alpini, dove le mucche hanno molto spazio. Inoltre, il latte deve essere consumato solo quando le mucche sono naturalmente incinte. I polli dovrebbero vivere all'aperto e i pulcini maschi non dovrebbero essere uccisi. Ovviamente tutto deve succedere naturalmente. Penso che in questo modo Lei possa proteggere gli animali della fattoria e dare loro una bella vita senza danneggiare l'economia.", "Ważne jest, aby chronić zwierzęta. \nKrowy powinny mieć więcej Spaceyów, zwłaszcza latem. W Austrii mamy pastwiska alpejskie, gdzie krowy mają bardzo dużo miejsca. Ponadto mleko należy przyjmować tylko wtedy, gdy krowy są naturalnie w ciąży. Kurczaki powinny żyć na wolnym wybiegu, a samce nie powinny być zabijane. Oczywiście wszystko musi się wydarzyć naturalnie. Myślę, że w ten sposób możesz chronić zwierzęta gospodarskie i zapewnić im miłe życie bez szkody dla gospodarki.", "Pomembno je zaščititi živali. \nKrave bi morale imeti več Spaceyja, zlasti poleti. V Avstriji imamo alpske pašnike, kjer imajo krave zelo veliko prostora. Poleg tega je treba mleko dobiti šele, ko so krave naravno noseče. Piščanci naj živijo v prostem območju, samcev piščancev pa ne smemo ubiti. Seveda se mora vse zgoditi naravno. Mislim, da lahko tako zaščitite domače živali in jim omogočite lepo življenje, ne da bi škodovali gospodarstvu."]]